The Power of Determination

If you have a goal that excites you, one that you know your intuition is in full alignment with, then you must use your own energy and commitment to carry your vision boldly forward. A new idea or a big shift in how you want to live your life will not always be supported by the people you care about. Fear often makes people want to keep things the same, so when you are open about a big change you want to make, others might have a hard time supporting it because you are doing something that they would struggle to do themselves.

Determination is what makes the difference, it makes dreams come alive and it turns goals into a reality. Even if you don’t get the support you initially wanted, there is still every chance of success if you stay focused and keep applying effort in the direction that your intuition knows is worth your time.

Talent is helpful but successors really comes from determination. Being able to keep going even when you face big challenges is what sets people apart. This happens in a wide variety of fields, like writing, art, sports, new businesses, etc. Even if others may initially have more talent than you, if they cannot face the fact that success is rarely immediate, they will stop working towards their goal. Be aware that the perception of others having more talent than you is probably imposter syndrome playing tricks on your mind. Even if you are not the best at something, if you apply determination, you will eventually develop a great level of skill. Skill that emerges from dedicated practice often surpasses uncultivated talent

Published by Eddy Woods

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